Nice cookies presentation idea!

The past time we did think about a nice presentation of the nice and special cookies. And we found a great presentation idea. You can place the “” cookies on a nice round pottery plate for a nice presentation effect. See for this idea also the pictures underneath!

We already made of this “” presentation idea some interesting pictures. If you want you can see all pictures underneath. The only thing you have to do is to scroll down at this webpage. We wish you already some presentation-fun, good cause-fun and cookies-fun on this website!

A nice shot from the “empty” white and round pottery plate, that will be used for a nice presentation of the “” cookies.
Some nice “” cookies on the nice white and round pottery plate.
Also a nice shot from the nice and special cookies on the white pottery plate.
A nice “close-up” from one of the “” cookies on the round and white pottery plate. When you look more close to the picture you can see the “text” “” on the nice cookie.

(Pictures: November, 2023, The Netherlands)